I suppose my two cents wouldn't get very far in this day and age, if it was of any monetary worth. Since it isn't, I can only hope that someday, perhaps not all that far in the future, my two cents will ring in the ears of my children and help them find their way through various life situations. I may not be a scholar. I don't pretend I could even compare to the great writers or philosphers of ther world. But... I am a mother, with more expertise in life with children than any William Shakespeare, Mark Twain, or even Dr Spock! Who better knows the inner workings of a childs mind, their habits, their needs... than a mother? After all, I have been there for every scrape, scratch, stitch, bump, bruise, fever, heartache, heartbreak, accomplishment or failure, milestone, leaps and bounds.
I can see my daughter muttering to herself, "I cant believe I just said that!" as she uses one of my old cliches. I also believe that day will come for both my girls when they would swear they opened their mouths and my voice came out! I have done this myself, hearing my own mothers voice. As for my sons... Inevitably they will hear my obnoxious tone reverberating off the walls of their skulls. Sadly for them, they will have their own wives to contend with and her mothers two cents as well.
Two cents... not worth much... but priceless all the same.
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